
Sunday 8 April 2012

The Answers to The Spring Quiz

Here are the answers. Many thanks to those who took part.
The winners will be announced in a few days after all the marking and checking has been completed 

1.         A computer sound. (5) Adele - ‘Sounds’ like ‘A Dell’                                 

2.         Herbert goes round mountain. (4,6) Herb Alpert – mountain = ‘Alp’    with ‘Herb ert’ going round it.

3.         Reportedly impoverished and thinner. (4,4) Paul Anka - ‘Reportedly’ = sounds like. Impoverished = ‘poor’ & thinner = ‘lanker’

4.         Vigour engulfs boy – a zany shriek, wildly! (8,9) Vladimir Ashkenazy – ‘Vigour’ = VIM, ‘engulf’ed by ‘boy’ = LAD ‘a zany shriek’ is an anagram (wildly) of IR ASHKENAZY

5.         A spice girl – one with a bun in the oven, maybe? (6,5) Ginger Baker – ‘a spice girl’ = GINGER, ‘one with a bun in the oven, maybe’ = BAKER                    

6.         Scots are acquainted with big Apple function. (5,4) Kenny Ball – ‘ Scots are acquainted with =  KEN, big Apple = New York = NY, function = BALL                             

7.         Place of exile in Samurber. (6,6) Samuel Barber - ‘Place of (Napoleon’s) exile’ = ELBA in SAMU  RBER

8.         Naked inside an idle mob in disorder. (6,9) Daniel Barenboim - ‘Naked’ = BARE ‘inside’ an anagram (‘disorder’) of ‘an idle mob in’.                      

9.         Rebuild bar table, OK? (4,6) Bela Bartok – Anagram (‘rebuild’) of ‘bar table, OK’

10.      Spoke of Spooner’s stout and sturdy supporting frame. (7,6) Shirley Bassey ‘stout and sturdy supporting frame’ = burly chassis which sounds like (‘spoke of’) a ‘Spooner’ism of SHIRLEY BASSEY

11.      Organised lewd tube having hot space. (6,3,9) Ludwig Van Beethoven – anagram (organised) of ‘lewd tube having’ = LUDWIG VAN BEETH, ‘hot space’ = OVEN 

12.      Early premiership winners after award. (4,9) Tony Blackburn – BLACKBURN (FC) were winners of the English football ‘premiership’ in its ‘early’ years. A TONY is a US theatre ‘award’.                       

13.      Blames confused UN in extreme judgement. (5,5) James Blunt – anagram (‘confused’) of ‘blames’ = AMES BL, ‘UN’ = UN, inside the first and last letters (‘extreme’) of ‘judgement’ = J T                 

14.      Not in favour of free legal work. (4) Bono – ‘free legal work’ = PRO BONO work, but ‘not in favour of’ means not PRO, leaving just BONO

15.      French stone ball-game with Zidane’s debut pushing out Strasbourg’s opener. (6,6) Pierre Boulez – the ‘French’ word for ‘stone’ is PIERRE, a ‘French’ ‘ball-game’ is BOULES, with ‘Strasbourg’s opener’ = S replacing (‘pushing out’) ‘Zidane’s debut’ = Z giving BOULEZ

16.      Die touring enthusiastic part of the East End. (5,5) David Bowie – ‘enthusiastic’ = AVID, ‘part of the East End’ = BOW with ‘Die’ = D IE surrounding them (‘touring’)      

17.      Youngster the French follow after Spanish Saint overwhelms us. (5,5) Susan Boyle – ‘youngster’ = BOY, ‘the’ in ‘French’ = LE ‘follow after’ ‘Spanish saint’ = SAN ‘overwhelms’ US giving SUSAN           

18.      Josh & Anne refitted support ship. (8,6) Johannes Brahms – JOHANNES is an anagram (‘refitted’) of ‘Josh’ and ‘Anne’, ‘support’ = BRA, ‘ship’ = HMS           

19.      Preserve in West African place to recall a former colonial power. (8,7) Benjamin Britten – ‘perserve’ = JAM ‘in’ ‘West African place’ = BENIN gives BENJAMIN, ‘a former colonial power’ = Britain which sounds like (‘to recall’) BRITTEN  

20.      …that is inside large deer streams. (5,6) Elkie Brooks – ‘large deer’ = ELK, ‘streams’ = BROOKS with ‘that is’ = IE ‘inside’                      

21.      Banner not unfurled around one of Rugby’s features. (5,8) Anton Bruckner – anagram (‘unfurled’) of ‘banner not’ = ANTON B    NER, ‘around’ ‘one of Rugby’s features’ = RUCK

22.      Rodents eat crazy Hull babe! (7,5) Michael Buble – ‘rodents’ = MIC E ‘eat’ anagram (‘crazy’) of ‘Hull babe’ = HAEL BUBL      

23.      Men moan, but randomly. (4,6) Emma Bunton – anagram (‘randomly’) of ‘Men moan but’

24.      Take round holly, for example. (4,4) Kate Bush – ‘Take’ is an anagram (‘round’) of Kate, ‘holly’ is an ‘example’ of a BUSH                                      

25.      Bill and what it might be part of, we hear. (7,4) William Byrd – ‘Bill’ is a form of WILLIAM, and a bill ‘might be part of a bird which sounds like (‘we hear’) BYRD                               

26.      Tour rich area in a month. (6,5) Mariah Carey – anagram (‘tour’) of ‘rich area’ = RIAH CARE ‘in’ ‘a month’ = MAY

27.      Money used to buy condoms? (6,4) Johnny Cash – ‘Money’ = CASH, ‘JOHNNY’ is old slang for ‘condom’

28.      American city, Switzerland. Ancient city, Switzerland. (9,6) Charlotte Church – ‘American city’ = CHARLOTTE, ‘Switzerland’ = CH, ‘Ancient city’ = UR (in Chaldea), ‘Switzerland’ = CH

29.      Applaud inside new Citroen. (4,7) Eric Clapton – ‘applaud = ‘CLAP’ ‘inside’ anagram of (‘new’) ‘Citroen’ = ERIC  TON

30.      Rancid lady-charmer gets beaten up! (7,10) Richard Clayderman – anagram (‘gets beaten up’) of ‘Rancid lady-charmer

31.      Mixed rice is said to provide an outer layer. (4,6) Eric Coates – anagram (‘mixed’) of ‘rice’ = ERIC, ‘is said to’ = sounds like ‘to provide an outer layer’ = COATES

32.      Organised sick cover in vessel. (6,6) Jarvis Cocker – anagram of (‘organised’) ‘sick cover’ = RVIS COCKE ‘in’ ‘vessel’ = JA R

33.      Was said to satisfy completely the hunger of publisher. (4,7) Phil Collins – ‘Was said to’ = sounds like ‘satisfy completely the hunger of’ = fill, giving PHIL, ‘publisher’ = COLLINS

34.      Evita abandons a Cooperative infested with parasites. (5,6) Alice Cooper – ‘a Cooperative’ without (‘abandons’) the letters of ‘Evita’ gives A COOPER, ‘infested with’ ‘parasites’ = LICE

35.      A place in which policeman follows Nora’s return. (5,7) Aaron Copland – ‘Nora’s return’ = ‘Nora’ backwards = ARON ‘policeman’ = COP  ‘in’ ‘A place’ = A LAND                

36.      Her owls cry out. (6,4) Sheryl Crow   - anagram (‘out’) of ‘Her owls cry’             

37.      Boy returns dressed in grey retro get-up. (5,7) Roger Daltrey – ‘Boy’ = lad ‘returns’ giving DAL, ‘dressed in’ = inside anagram of (‘get-up’) ‘grey retro’ = ROGER  TREY

38.      Divas smile falsely. (5,5) Miles Davis – anagram (‘falsely’) of ‘Divas smile’

39.      Hairstyle of first young lady Dan hugged. (3,5) Bob Dylan – ‘Hairstyle’ = BOB, ‘first young lady’ = y & l, ‘hugged’ by ‘Dan’, giving DYLAN

40.      Drunkenly regaled about hospital room. (6,5) Edward Elgar – anagram (‘drunkenly’) of ‘regaled’ = ED ELGAR ‘about’ ‘hospital room’ = WARD

41.      Waterloo victor was not out for war at the outset. (4,9) Duke Ellington – ‘Waterloo victor’ = Duke of Wellington, with o, f & w (the first ‘at the outset’ letters of ‘out for war’) removed ‘was not’

42.      Angel with golden central orb coated in iron (7,5) Gabriel Fauré – ‘Angel’ = GABRIEL, ‘golden’ = AU (chemical symbol), ‘central orb’ = R (the ‘central’ letter of ‘orb’), ‘coated with’ ‘iron’ = FE (chemical symbol)

43.      Yan is stuck in British Rail ship. (5,5) Bryan Ferry – ‘British Rail’ = BR, ‘ship’ = FERRY, with ‘yan’ = YAN ‘stuck in’

44.      Charge and Spanish rage. (5,4) Billy Fury – ‘Charge = BILL, ‘and’ in ‘Spanish’ = Y, ‘rage’ = ‘FURY

45.      US city’s extremely dreamy Queen’s radio. (4,4) Lady Gaga – ‘US city’ = LA, ‘extremely dreamy’ = DY, ‘Queen’ recorded a track called ‘radio’ GAGA

46.      Create hell – enrol Gaga! (4,9) Noel Gallagher – anagram (‘create’) of ‘hell enrol Gaga’

47.      Bile infects perverse ogre Harry. (4,9) Rory Gallagher – ‘Bile’ = GALL inside (‘infects’) anagram (‘perverse’) of ‘ogre Harry’

48.      The Kaiser said “Yes! Initially my empire subsumed part of Ireland!” (5,6) James Galway – ‘The Kaiser said Yes’ = yes in German = JA, ‘Initially my empire subsumed’ = MES, ‘part of Ireland’ = GALWAY

49.      Magic a publican conjures up! (4,10) Paul Gambaccini – anagram (‘conjures up’) of ‘magic a publican’

50.      Organised great lark and had fun during it. (3,9) Art Garfunkel – anagram (‘organised’) of ‘great lark’ with ‘fun’ inside ‘during it’

51.      Tony Hadley debuts in station in Paris with wonky stage. (6,5) Gareth Gates – ‘station in Paris’ = GARE, ‘Tony Hadley debuts’ = TH, anagram (‘wonky’) of ‘stage’ = GATES

52.      Within the repertoire of Gillian Gill and her orchestra. (3,6) Ian Gillan Inset (‘within’) gillIAN GILLAN and..

53.      Dour about vile mag review. (4,7) Dave Gilmour – anagram (review’) of ‘vile mag’ = AVE GILM, with ‘Dour’ = DO UR ‘about’ it.

54.      An apostle’s key girl. (6,5) Philip Glass – An Apostle = PHILIP, (musical) ‘key’ = ‘G’, ‘girl’ = LASS

55.      American friend – Ivy’s partner at Christmas. (5,5) Buddy Holly – ‘American friend’ = BUDDY, ‘Ivy’s partner at Christmas’ = HOLLY as in the carol ‘The holly & the ivy’                               

56.      Vacs inside wobbly vast gut! (6,5) Gustav Holst – ‘Vacs’ = HOLS ‘inside’ anagram (‘wobbly’) of ‘vast gut’           

57.      Glib trenchermen puked horribly! (9,11) Engelbert Humperdinck – anagram (‘horribly’) of ‘Glib trenchermen puked’

58.      Dishy since her makeover. (8,5) Chrissie Hynde – anagram (‘makeover’) of ‘dishy since her’

59.      Initially made in China, Kia’s compact luxury car is 50% German. (4,6) Mick Jagger – ‘initially Made In China, Kia’s’ = MICK, ‘luxury car’ = jaguar, ‘compact’ = JAG, ‘50% (of the word) ‘German’ = GER

60.      Let on about Johan missing out final aria. (5,4) Elton John – Anagram (‘about’) of ‘Let on’ = ELTON, ‘final (letter of) aria’ = ‘a’ ‘missing out ’ from ‘Johan’ = JOHN

61.      Ed & Jon are captivated by beers. (4,5) Aled Jones – ‘beers’ = ALES, with ED & JON ‘captivated.

62.      A John Soren composition. (5,5) Norah Jones – anagram (‘composition’) of ‘A John Soren’

63.      Gascony town confused Jon & Les. (4,5) Paul Jones  - ‘Gascony town’ = PAU, anagram (‘confused’) ‘Jon & Les’ = L JONES

64.      Fielding hero. (3,5) Tom Jones ­– ‘TON JONES’ is the hero of a novel by Henry ‘Fielding’

65.      A short month is starting just with compline (but no opening chant and without me). (5,6) Janis Joplin – ‘A short month’ = ‘JAN’, ‘is’ = IS, ‘starting just’ = J, ‘compline’ without ‘opening chant’ = ‘c’ and ‘without me’ gives OPLIN

66.      Wager about fare kept Mr Strange. (4,9) Bert Kaempfert ‘Wager’ = BE T ‘about’ anagram (‘strange’) of ‘fare kept Mr’

67.      Deny kneeling awkwardly. (5,7) Nigel Kennedy – Anagram (‘awkwardly’) of ‘Deny kneeling’

68.      Organised prank from elk. (4,8) Mark Knopfler – Anagram (‘organised’) of ‘prank from elk’

69.      Positive response from Germany lets Sam get sorted. (5,4) James Last – ‘Positive response from Germany’ = german word for yes = JA, anagram (‘get sorted’) of ‘lets Sam’ = MES LAST

70.      Two thousand in a sort of line. (5) Lemmy – ‘Two thousand’ = MM (roman numerals) ‘in’ a ‘sort of line’ = LEYline

71.      To begin with John Otway had numerous live engagements - not now - only Newcastle. (4,6) John Lennon The first letters (‘to begin with’) of all the other words in the clue

72.      Messed up a nine but then got none wrong in sixty. (5,6) Annie Lennox – anagram (‘messed up’) of ‘a nine’, anagram (‘wrong’) of ‘none’ = ENNO ‘in’ ‘sixty’ = LX (roman numerals)

73.      Northern France leaning to be heard. (5,5) Franz Liszt – a ‘Northern’ pronunciation of ‘France’ is ‘heard’ as FRANZ, ‘leaning’ = list, ‘heard’ as LISZT

74.      John loses honour - First Lord. (3,4) Jon Lord – ‘honour First’ = ‘h’ (the first letter of ‘honour’), removed ‘loses’ from ‘John’ = JON, ‘Lord’ = LORD

75.      Munro performed badly in bars. (5,4) Bruno Mars – anagram (‘performed badly’) of ‘munro’ = RUNO M ‘in ‘bars’ B ARS

76.      Scottish town in orbit. (5,4) Keith Moon – ‘Scottish town’ = KEITH, ‘in orbit’ = MOON

77.      Heard training centre car operate noisily to begin with. (3,8) Jim Morrison – ‘Heard’ = Sounds like ‘training centre’ = gym giving JIM, ‘car’ = MORRIS, ‘Operate Noisily to begin with’ = ON

78.      …of Dutch Mandelson’s Grandfather. (3,8) Van Morrison – ‘Dutch’ for ‘of’ = VAN, (Peter) ‘Mandelson’s Grandfather’ was (Hubert) MORRISON

79.      Son is part of toy email scam. (6,5) Alison Moyet – ‘son’ = SON in (‘is part of’) anagram (‘scam’) of ‘toy email’

80.       ‘Flow back in front of Hindu Goddess, masters!’ - A new ‘must read’ about Australia. (8,7,6) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart  - ‘Flow back’ = WOLF, ‘Hindu Goddess’ = GANGA, ‘masters’ = MA, anagram (‘new’) of ‘must read’ =  DEUS M ART‘about’ ‘Australia’ = OZ

81.      Silly inane bird. (5,11) Annie Nightingale – anagram (‘silly’) of ‘inane’ = ANNIE, bird = NIGHTINGALE

82.      Man covers my Chilean variations. (7,5) Michael Nyman – ‘man’ = M AN ‘covers’ anagram (‘variations’) of ‘my Chilean’ = ICHAEL NYM

83.      I leave Jacqui having rudely seen off composer. (7,9) Jacques Offenbach – ‘I leave Jacqui’ = JACQU, anagram (‘rudely’) of ‘seen off’ = ES OFFEN, ‘composer’ = BACH

84.      Heard about my frigid area of interest. (4,8) Mike Oldfield – ‘Heard about’ = sounds like ‘my frigid area of interest’ = my cold field giving MIKE OLDFIELD

85.      Boozy, zero sun, broken. (4,8) Ozzy Osbourne – anagram (‘broken’) of ‘Boozy, zero sun’

86.      Justin Hayward initially got involved with pervy Penelope after she gave up exercise. (4,4) John Peel – ‘Justin Hayward initially’ = JH ‘involved’ with anagram (‘pervy’) of Penelope without PE (‘gave up exercise’)

87.      Ford model type – lorry without opening offside liftgate. (4,5) Katy Perry – ‘Ford model’ = KA, ‘type’ = TY PE, ‘lorry’ ‘without’ first letters of (‘opening’) ‘offside liftgate’ = ol giving RRY

88.       “It’s in your bottom, pet!” – Tynesider. (3,5) Tom Petty – inset: (‘It’s in’) botTOM PET TYnesider                             

89.      Spiv leers horribly in English cathedral. (5,7) Elvis Presley – anagram (‘horribly’) of ‘Spvi Leers’ ‘in’ ‘ English Cathedral = ‘EL Y’

90.      Change clean pair. (4,5) Alan Price – anagram (‘change’) of ‘clean pair’

91.      Madly iconic amigo embraces return of cup. (7,7) Giacomo Puccini – anagram (‘madly’) of ‘iconic amigo’ = GIACOMO CINI ‘embraces’ ‘return of cup’ = PUC

92.      When lacking head-curl, reply awkwardly. (5,7) Henry Purcell – ‘When’ ‘lacking head’ = HEN, anagram (‘awkwardly’) of ‘curl reply’ = RY PURCELL

93.      No, Miss! Return without first spreading disconcert. (5,6) Simon Rattle – ‘No, Miss! Return’ = ‘no miss’ backwards = ssimon ‘without first’ = SIMON, ‘spreading disconcert’ = RATTLE

94.       ‘Dr Ari’ - Hitch recast in Loach movie. (5,8) Keith Richards – anagram (‘recast’) of ‘Dr Ari – Hitch’ = ITH RICHARD ‘in’ ‘Loach movie’ = KES

95.      Ann in hair disaster. (7) Rihanna or Rhianna – anagram (‘disaster’) of ‘Ann in hair’

96.      Disturb Aaron in Norfolk town. (5,4) Diana Ross – anagram (‘disturb’) of ‘Aaron’ = ANA RO in ‘Norfolk town’ = DISS

97.      Re-written scripts ravish Molotov. (8,12) Mstislav Rostropovich – anagram (‘re-written’) of ‘scripts ravish Molotov’

98.      X-Man’s heraldic silver. (7,7) Malcolm Sargent – ‘X-man’s’ = MALCOLM(X)S, ‘heraldic silver’ = ARGENT (the name for silver in heraldry)

99.      Task I messed up in lake. (4,5) Erik Satie – anagram (‘messed up’) of ‘task I’ = IK SAT ‘in’ ‘lake’ = ER IE

100.  A rich kid vomits wildly and covers host! (6,12) Dmitri Shostakovich – anagram (‘wildly’) of ‘A rich kid vomits’ around (‘covers’) ‘host’ = HOST

101.  Sail up around Monday. (4,5) Paul Simon – anagram (‘around’) of ‘sail up’ = PAUL SI, ‘Monday’ = MON                           

102.  I rank Satan badly after priest. (5,7) Frank Sinatra – anagram (‘badly’) of ‘I rank satan’ = ANK SINATRA ‘after’ ‘priest’ = FR (abbrev of ‘Father’)

103.  Not a Jimmy Savile or Mel creation. (5,10) Jimmy Somerville – anagram (‘creation’) of ‘Jimmy Savile or Mel’ without the ‘a’ (‘not a’)       

104.  Simpsons’ home is unswept, it would seem. (5,11) Dusty Springfield – ‘unswept’ = DUSTY, ‘Simpsons’ home’(town) = SPRINGFIELD

105.  Stereotypical Aussie bloke causes adolescent to escape from prison. (5,11) Bruce Springsteen – ‘Stereotypical Aussie bloke’ = BRUCE, ‘causes to escape from prison’ = SPRINGS, ‘adolescent’ = TEEN

106.  Worst rated organisation. (3,7) Rod Stewart – anagram (‘organisation’) of ‘Worst rated’

107.  Not half exhausting! (5) Sting – ‘exhausting’ without half (‘not half’) leaves STING

108.  A rank slut chokes badly.  Food company is involved. (9,11) Karlheinz Stockhausen – ‘Food company’ = HEINZ ‘is involved’ in anagram (‘badly’) of ‘A rank slut chokes’

109.  John catches an exploding star with American ship. (6,7) Johann Strauss – ‘John’ ‘catches’ ‘an’ = JOHANN, anagram (‘exploding’) of ‘star’ = STRA, ‘American ship’ = USS

110.  Difficult in racist USSR system. (7,7) Richard Strauss – difficult = HARD, ‘in’ anagram (‘system’) of ‘racist USSR’

111.  A barrister’s playing in band (6,9) Barbra Streisand – anagram (‘playing’) of ‘A barrister’s’ = RBRA STREISA ‘in’ ‘band’ = BA ND

112.  Jordan is missing extremely rugged county... (4,10) Joan Sutherland – ‘extremely rugged’ = rd ‘missing’ from ‘Jordan’ leaves JOAN, county = SUTHERLAND

113.  …in the category of ‘hard to fathom’ as ‘tall’ is not clearly defined. (6,6) Thomas Tallis – inset: (‘in’) …faTHOM AS TALL IS not…

114.  Turn inside damaged retina. (4,6) Tina Turner – ‘turn’ = TURN ‘inside’ anagram (‘damaged’) of ‘retina’ = TINA ER

115.  Strange evening at centre lacked religious teaching. (4,7) Gene Vincent – anagram (‘strange’) of ‘evening’ = GENE VIN, ‘centre’ ‘without’ ‘religious teaching’ = re gives CENT

116.  Erring badly around town in Somerset, Washington State. (7,6) Richard Wagner – anagram (‘badly’) of ‘erring’ = RI GNER ‘around’ ‘town in Somerset’ = CHARD, ‘Washington State’ = WA

117.  Topless trick to rouse man. (4,7) Rick Wakeman – ‘Topless trick = RICK, ‘to rouse’ = WAKE, man = MAN

118.  Rufus was second. The Queen left Walter on. (7,6) William Walton – WILLIAM ‘Rufus’ was William the second, ‘The Queen = ‘ER’ ‘left walter’ gives WALT, on = ON

119.  Isaac who wrote hymns after cocaine. (7,5) Charlie Watts – Issac WATTS was a hymn-writer, CHARLIE is slang for cocaine

120.  Paler and unwell. Mixed up but not finally broken. (4,6) Paul Weller   - anagram (‘mixed up’) of ‘Paler’ & ‘unwell’ without (‘but not’) ‘finally broken’  = n

121.  He may win meandering river. (3,9) Amy Winehouse – anagram (‘meandering’) of ‘He may win’ = AMY WINEH, river = OUSE

122.  By what method Lynne was heard to flow backwards. (6,4) Howlin Wolf – ‘By what method’ = HOW, ‘Lynne was heard’ = LIN, ‘to flow backwards’= WOLF

123.  View inside red stone edifice. (6,6) Stevie Wonder – view = VIEW ‘inside’ anagram (‘edifice’) of ‘red stone’ = STE ONDER

124.  Unwell after opening bout, chap follows river, we hear. (4,5) Bill Wyman – ‘opening bout’ = B, ‘unwell’ = ILL, ‘chap’ = MAN, ‘river’ = wye which ‘we hear’ as WY

125.  Open sound system captures the return of peace in Spain. (5,5) Frank Zappa – ‘Open’ = FRANK, ‘sound system’ = PA (public address), ‘peace in Spain’ = paz ‘return of’ giving ZAP

Allowance will be taken of errors in some early versions when marking relating to 43. Bryan/Brian Ferry and 35. Aaron Copeland/Copland

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