
Sunday, 2 February 2014

The Answers to the Winter Quiz 2013

Thanks to everyone who took part. We have raised over £1250 for Macmillan Cancer Support.
Here are the answers - the winners will be announced after next weekend......

1. Everybody ain’t in Nazi organisation. (3,6) All Saints - Everbody = ALL, Nazi organisation = SS, ain’t in SS = SAINTS
2. In a cat as a remake! (9) Anastacia - anag. of in a cat as a
3. Cocky in master move. (6, 7) Arctic Monkeys - anag. of cocky in master
4. Nuclear gear X. (6,6) Atomic Kitten - nuclear = ATOMIC, gear = KIT, X = TEN
5. Pony-cam. (3,7) Bad Company - Reverse clue: 'Pony cam' is an anagram bad of 'company'
6. Fair man, that is. (7) Blondie - Fair man is a BLOND, that is = IE
7. Reinvigorate bland yob. (3,5) Bob Dylan - anag. of Bland yob
8. Robert held Beirut to ransom. (3,3,7) Bob the Builder - Robert = BOB, held Beirut is anag. of THE BUILDER
9. Good French Joanne the sixth. (3,4) Bon Jovi - Good in French is BON, Joanne = JO, sixth = VI
10. Bend my bone. (5,1) Boney M - anag. of my bone
11. Jeer dodgy trams around town. (8,4) Boomtown Rats - jeer = BOO, trams is anag of M RATS – around town = MTOWN RATS
12. Contemporary Cockney’s beers. (7, 6) Britney Spears - is modern cockney rhyming slang for beers
13. Rob’s confused. (4) Bros - anag. of Rob’s
14. Send Edward by motor omnibus. (6) Busted - Edward = TED, motor onmibus = BUS
15. Dear French singer? (4) Cher - Cher is French for dear
16. Turned a key when in board game. (7, 6) Chesney Hawkes - board game = CHESS, a key when is anag. of NEY HAWKE
17. Jesus in a Gaia rule controversy. (9, 8) Christina Aguilera - Jesus = CHRIST, in a = INA, gaia rule is anag. of AGUILERA
18. Distillery equipment in Merseyside town with Georgian architect. (6,6,3,4) Crosby, Stills, and Nash - Merseyside town = CROSBY, distillery equipment = STILLS, Georgian architect = NASH
19. Civilise caveman’s weapon. (7,4) Culture Club - civilise = CULTURE, caveman’s weapon = CLUB
20. I bowed awkwardly around – very keen. (5, 5) David Bowie - I bowed is anag. of D BOWIE, very keen = AVID
21. Worked out one bad clue. (6,4) Deacon blue - anag. of 'one bad clue'
22. Ordains as befuddled. (5,4) Diana Ross - anag. of 'ordains as'
23. Stratis. (4,7) Dire Straits - Stratis is anag. of Straits, i.e. a DIRE version of STRAITS
24. Leg of doe. (6,8) Doctor Feelgood - ‘leg of doe’ is anag. of ‘feelgood’, so if you ‘doctor’ feelgood you get ‘leg of doe’
25. Darn an Urdu translation. (5,5) Duran Duran - anag. of 'Darn an Urdu'
26. Disgruntled if spy defected. (5, 11) Dusty Springfield - anag of disgruntled if spy
27. Silvery sleep disturbed. (5, 7) Elvis Presley - anag. of Silvery sleep
28. I’m back round colliery (6) Eminem - colliery = MINE, I = ME, I’m back= EM – round mine = EMINEM
29. Use rear arrangement. (7) Erasure - anag. of 'use rear'
30. Cruise waywardly around strange myth (10) Eurythmics - anag. of 'myth' inside anag. of 'cruise'
31. Issue fixed penalty notice to maneating youths. (4,5,9) Fine Young Cannibals - Issue fixed penalty notice ' = FINE, 'youthful' = YOUNG, 'maneating' = 'CANNIBALS'
32. I offer ghost new arrangement. (3,8) Foo Fighters - anag. of 'I offer ghost'
33. Upfront Ian Ellis initially gets hired by west coast movie studio. (7,4,2,9) Frankie goes to Hollywood - upfront = FRANK, Ian Ellis initially = IE, gets hired by west coast movie studio = GOES TO HOLLYWOOD
34. French cheese in legal mix-up. (9) Gabrielle - French cheese = BRIE, legal is anag. of GA LLE, BRIE in GA LLE
35. Confuse a shag-getter. (6,5) Gareth Gates - anag. of 'a shag-getter'
36. Mr Pitney and little sister. (7) Genesis - Mr Pitney = Gene, little sister = sis
37. Our gal slid about. (5,5) Girls Aloud - anag. of 'our gal slid'
38. Arms with Cadbury’s chocolates? (4,1,5) Guns ‘n’ roses - arms = GUNS, with = ‘N’, Cadbury’s chocolates = ROSES
39. Henry and Nigel stay out nightly to begin with. (6) Hanson - ‘to begin with’ indicates first letters of the preceding words ie. Henry And Nigel Stay Out Nightly
40. Rakishly debauched and not troubled. (3,4,3,3,10) Ian Dury and the Blockheads - anag. of Rakishly etc.
41. Ant jumbles about. (5,5) James Blunt - anag. of 'Ant jumbles'
42. Money used to buy condoms? (6,4) Johnny Cash - Johnny is old slang for condom
43. You like minge tangled? (5,7) Kylie Minogue - anag. of 'you like minge'
44. Sad men’s organisation. (7) Madness - anag. of 'sad men’s'
45. Racism threatens creep badly. (5,6,9) Manic Street Preachers - anag. of Racism threatens creep
46. A creamy hair style. (6, 5) Mariah Carey - anag. of A creamy hair
47. Scottish insect? (5) McFly - Insect' = fly, 'so scottish insec't = McFly
48. Safety test or boss. (9) Motorhead - Safety test = MOT, or = OR, boss = HEAD
49. Wring indefatigable hands. (7, 11) Natasha Bedingfield - anag. of indefatigable hands
50. Young first offenders to be beheaded? (3,4,2,3,5) New kids on the block -
51. Concrete constituent in Peterlee. (6,3,3) Peters and Lee - constituent of concrete = SAND, placed inside PETERLEE
52. One of four of the twelve pictures in the pack. (5) Queen - i.e. one of four picture cards in a pack of cards
53. Lord Reith was one of the first of these. (9) Radiohead - Lord Reith was the first HEAD of the BBC when it only broadcast RADIO
54. Chase Larry about. (3,7) Ray Charles - anag. of Chase Larry
55. Before both of us together. (5,4,4) Right Said Fred - the name right said Fred is taken from the lyric “right” said Fred “both of us together”
56. My ox turned in timeless rustic fashion. (4,5) Roxy Music - my ox is anag. of OXY M, timeless rustic = RUSIC
57. Cutting nuns? (7,7) Scissor Sisters - nuns' = SISTERS
58. Make love to heartless guy. (6) Shaggy - make love to = SHAG, heartless guy = GY
59. Mild men piss about! (6,5) Simple Minds - anag. of 'mild men piss'
60. I leave ladies confused. (5) Slade - anag of 'ladies' without the I
61. Split on worst pal. (4,6) Snow patrol - anag. of 'on worst pal'
62. Strange red cows surround disturbed soil. (2,5,4) So solid crew - red cows is anag. of SO D CREW, soil is ang. of SOLI
63. Nick in Berlin dance troupe. (7,6) Spandau Ballet - Nick = prison, - in Berlin = SPANDAU, dance troupe = BALLET
64. Rots cod. (11) Spindoctors - ‘rots cod’ is anag. of doctors, so if you ‘spin’ doctors you get ‘rots cod’
65. Organise the procession. (13) Stereophonics - anag. of 'the procession'
66. View so tender arrangement. (6,6) Stevie Wonder - anag. of 'view so tender'
67. Steal Yorkshireman’s headgear? (4,4) Take that - Steal = TAKE, headgear = HAT, Yorkshireman’s hat = T’ HAT
68. Found in Semtex as additive. (5) Texas - in SemTEX AS
69. Beth’s confused LII’s. (3,4) The B52s - beth is anag. of THE B, LII is 52 in Romoan numerals
70. Three quarters of them triumphed over Leslie (3,7) The Beatles - Three quarters of them = THE, triumphed over = BEAT, Leslie = LES
71. Jesus and his father Joseph, maybe? (3, 10) The Carpenters - Jesus and his father Joseph were both carpenters
72. Hash Celt cultivated. (3,5) The Clash - anag. of 'Hash Celt'
73. Reformed torchers. (3,5) The Corrs - anag. of 'torchers'
74. Tickets include man flying penny. (3,6,7) The Flying Pickets - man = HE, flying = FLYING, penny = P, all inside TICKETS
75. Ensemble from clothes shop? (3,3,4) The Gap Band - GAP is a clothes shop where you might buy an 'ensemble'
76. Constraints in hose, for example? (3,5) The Kinks - …as in kinks in a hose constrain the flow.
77. Those people on backwards search. (3,7) The Monkees - those people = THE M, on = ON search = seek, backwards search = KEES
78. Both soppy, these minced. (3,7,4) The Petshop Boys - anag. of 'Both soppy these'
79. Wingless parasitic insects of Italian river. (3,6) The Police - Italian river = THE PO, Wingless parasitic insects = LICE
80. Blended port cheers Liam. (3, 11) The Proclaimers - anag. of 'port cheers Liam'
81. Madly sane mother. (3,7) The Ramones - anag. of 'sane mother'
82. The Tories and like-minded people organised robust heroes. (3, 9, 8) The Righteous Brothers - the tories etc = THE RIGHT, EOUS BROTHERS is anag. of robust heroes
83. No one gets thrills arranged. (3,7,6) The Rolling Stones - anag. of no one gets thrills
84. Volunteer plods part-time… (3,8) The Specials - as in Special Constables
85. Ginger was the only aptly named one of them. (3,5,5) The Spice Girls - none of the other spice girls’ names are actually spices.
86. Demonstrate real strengths. (3,10) The Stranglers - anag. of 'real strengths'
87. Mixes huge bass beat. (3, 9) The Sugababes - anag. of 'huge bass beat'
88. Two definite articles. (3,3) The The - THE is the definite article in English
89. They sound like the French widow. (3,5) The Verve - The French word for widow is veuve pronounced VERVE
90. Pedestrian monks? (3,6,8) The Walker Brothers - Pedestrian' = WALKERS, 'monks' = BROTHERS
91. Matthew Hogan holds them inside. (3,3) The Who - matTHE W HOgan
92. Can return a convulsion. (4,6) Tina Turner - can = TIN, 'return a' is anag. of A TURNER
93. Found in extra visual aids. (6) Travis - exTRA VISual
94. You as well by the sound of it. (2) U2 - i.e. sounds like “you too”
95. Form of unemployment. (4) UB40 - a UB40 was a form given to an unemployed person by the job centre
96. Killer Rose and her punishment. (8) Westlife - Rose as in Rose WEST, whose punishment is LIFE
97. They come from the centre of New Hampton. (4) Wham - neW HAMpton
98. …then is reformed in funeral party. (10) Whitesnake - funeral party = wake containing anag. of ‘then is’
99. Pre-pubescent Shakespeare? (4,5) Will Young - Shakespeare' = WILL, 'pre-pubescent' = YOUNG
100. Asleep whilst highest? (2,3) ZZ Top - ZZ' = asleep, 'highest' = TOP


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